Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Well everyone, the time has come! My flight leaves in a little less than 2 hours & me being the procrastinator i am, am trying to put one last post up before i head out! I'm not so great at this blogging thing:)

All of my stuff for the month is packing into one large internal frame backpack & a regular sized school backpack....a little strange to be living out of this for a month! My tent & sleeping pad are strapped to the outside of my pack & I am praying someone will be around to help me put all of this back into the bag & restrap when I have to come back! I wouldn't have me it without experienced travelers giving me tips......& strapping it down for me! Thanks guys!

My expectations for the next month.........this is unlike anything I have ever done before. Not knowing anyone, living out of a backpack & tent.....I know it will be very humbling & enlightening experience to say the least.
As far as ministry is concerned I know we will be helping out a pastor at his church & a clinic he runs, working with several orphanages & possibly rebuilding one, but mainly building relationships with people in a opportunity to show God's love to them. Please pray for my team & the people we encounter.

I don't think I will have access to a computer or even a phone, but the organization has a website where they will be sharing our stories & photos for everyone. i posted a few months ago how to get there. If you can't fiind it google adventures in missions Haiti, or even my name & you should find it. I hope you all have a lovely June & will be back July 1st to share with you my experiences! Peace:) Check facebook for an uploaded picture from my phone today:)

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