Thursday, June 24, 2010


As many of you know, there is a tropical storm at sea, headed this way. Winds are CRAZY! We did have our tents up on the roof as it is a little cooler up there than inside, but most of us have taken then down. We are lucky to have a place to retreat indoors. Yesterday we helped distribute food to a tent community & I noticed many of the tents & tarps were torn due to the high winds, not providing much protection from the rain, & causing a mess inside what is now home to these people. Please pray for more permanent shelter & high quality tents that can withstand the weather.

After that, we helped bag supplies to take to an orphanage/school. Each bag contained a towel, toothbrush, full tube of toothpaste, soap, shorts, t-shirt, fip-flops & a pencil. We bought rice, beans, & chicken & several Haitian ladies prepared food for us to provide to the children at the school & people in the small community. The bags were loaded up & we were just about to hop into the van when I started feeling sick & had to hurled in the dirt. Gross, I know.....I'm almost positive it's from taking malaria medicine without food as I'm feeling better now 4hours later. None-the-less, I didn't think it would be wise to drive 2 hours down bumpy roads with my stomach being upset. My teammates were sweet to find a bowl & line it with a plastic sack just in case I wanted to risk it, but i decided it was better for all involved for me to stay behind. Pastor Forges has just recently started helping this school/orphanage & today will be the second time we as a team have been to visit. The school building is very small & houses the orphans at night. As of now it does not have partnership or sponsorship with any churches in the states & has contacted Pastor Forges for help. I hope things go well there today & the people catch a small glimpse of God's love, & not just see us as being nice Americans coming to help.

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