Sunday, March 28, 2010

Starting out....

I always said I would start a blog when my life was more exciting; when I started to travel, got married, or had kids......well, the time has come! I am going to be part of a relief team that is traveling to Haiti for the month of June. I am so excited about this opportunity as I have felt something was in store for me like this for years. I am going with a group of 30 people that I do not know, will be living in a tent, doing general releif work, & just showing people a little of God's love & kindness! It will be very out of my comfort zone but I accept the challenge:)

The organization I am traveling with will be starting a website, on which all team members may post, that you will have access to. I will post it as soon as I get it! I will also do my best to keep you updated on any details about my trip as I get them. If you are interested in reading about AIM teams that are already working in Haiti please check out scroll down to the bottom & click on "Haiti relief blog".

On a change of subject, you may know that I had foot surgery a few weeks ago & am on crutches:) I have gotten a wheel chair at school since my arm pits & palms are sore & have now gotten several new nick names such as "speed racer" "hot wheels" & "wheely".....I haven't decided which is my favorite. I do get asked at least once a day to pop a wheely....haven't masted that yet;)

Being on crutches is starting to be challenging as I am a busy body & am used to running all over town! Running to the grocery store or Target is not so simple these days since surgery was my right foot & I have not been driving. I did however pull the car up in the drive way successfully today when the water hose was stuck under the tire! Does this mean I'm ready for the road? Yeah right, my mom would kill me! AND it's probably not very safe......... I get the pin taken out in a week & a half, then I can walk in the boot, I can't wait (laundry is getting out of control!)

First blog= DONE! Have a great Monday :0

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