Monday, March 22, 2010

Dear Family & Friends,

Hi! I hope all of you are doing well. I am so excited to share what has been going on in my life lately. For several years I have felt called to serve in missions & have done a few short term trips. I kept feeling a longer trip was in my future & it was. I found an organization called Adventures in Missions (AIM) that was serving in Haiti for the entire month of June. I felt drawn to this particular trip, so I applied, & have been accepted!

This trip will be a challenge as I am going with a group of people I do not know & will be living in tough circumstances. However, my heart's desire is to give the people of Haiti a small taste to Gods love & kindness; to plant a seed of hope in a what might seem a hopeless situation. I want the hurting people of Haiti to know, that God is good & is there as they grieve, recover, & rebuild. While we are in Haiti we will be helping in any area needed, including but not limited to providing shelter/construction, food for the hungry, orphanage work, assisting with clean up, etc.

I thank God for the opportunity He has given me & know that He will provide. I would be honored if you would support me in this ministry prayerfully, financially, or both. I am specifically asking for five people who will commit to pray for me each day until I return. The trip cost is $2000, which will provide a round-trip flight from Atlanta to Haiti, plus meals & transportation while in Haiti. Of the $2000:

$1000 due by April 1st
$750 due by May 1st
$250 remaining due by June 1st

I'm so thankful for God's timing & experiences he has given me that have lead me to this point. I'm even more excited to see how He will use me & what He will teach me during this time. Thank you to each of you! You have influenced me & helped bring me to this place in my life. I hope you will prayerfully consider being part of this ministry. Thank you so much!

In Him,

Jenny Covill

“My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed & in truth”- 1 John 3:18

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