Monday, January 16, 2012

New Direction

Well, it's been a year & a half since I blogged. You'd be safe to assume that a lot has happened since then. The last year has grown & stretched me as person in was that I really wasn't expecting. Here is the past year or so in a nutshell:

1. I decided to go back to school & pursue & degree in Physical Therapy! I'm am SO nervous as I turned in my letter of intent to GLenn Middle School that I did not plan on returning next year. They already knew as I have been going to night school working on pre-reqs, but it was/is scary that the time is getting close. I will be without a job & still have a house/car payment & bills! I'm taking a leap of faith!

2. In September I welcomed a new neice, Mary Jane, into the family. She is so precious & beautiful!

3. My precious granny went to be with the Lord. I see her singing amazing grace & playing the piano there:)

4. My best friend from college, Jenifer Michelle Minton, passed away on January 27th, 2011. This has been one of the saddest things & hardest to understand. I still don't understand & hardly have words to explain how I feel even now, almost one year later. For those of you how know me & Jen know we were more than friends & more like sisters. Neither of us had a sister so we kinda filled the roll in each others lives, bickering, laughing, truth, & all. Her loss has really challenged me in my faith & I can rarely think about God or go to church without thinking of her. Knowing that someone you were really close with & part of your everyday life is actually there puts a whole new realness to Heaven. I am thankful that there were 3 of us eventually that became bf's & I still have Melissa to go through this with. I don't know what I would have done without her.

There is really so much that I could write but I will leave it at this for now. Words of wisdom: Life is short, you never know exactly how short. So if you are not satisfied/following your dreams/letting those important to you know how much they mean to you, time is slipping away, GET BUSY!